Wine Advisor course preview
As part of our learner journey, we have created an advanced course to layer on top of the Wine, Service and Masterclass courses already in the Beverageintelligence University. The Wine Advisor course will be released in 2023 and allow those learners who have completed Wine101 and our Masterclass program to engage in a course that is designed to help them master the art of creating the ultimate drinks experiences, and the subtle art of suggesting wine to Guests. We take a journey around the table, from start to finish, to learn some of the ultimate tricks of the trade from one of Africa's top Somms, Joseph Dhafana. This is the most comprehensive service and wine course available to our Beverageintelligence learners.
All of these courses are supported by our coaching tools and live training modules. We believe strongly that learning cannot just be done in front of a computer or phone, it needs to be a blended approach, incorporating the classroom and "on the job" practical experience and coaching. Here are a few preview clips and snippets from the Beverageintelligence Wine Advisor course.
Introducing the Wine Advisor Course
Introducing your teachers and mentors in the Wine Advisor course
Wine Advisor Course teaser
Snippets from our Wine Advisor Course (2023 release)
Meet Joseph and hear more about his story in the Under the Influence Podcast below.